Every time we allow someone to treat us like shit we silently say to that person: I’m worth less than dog crap. Stepping on me is like stepping on goose shit in your new white sneakers. That’s what you say.
I hate when I find myself giving out that message because I’m too afraid to stick up to them or it isn’t the polite time or I find myself fantasizing about revenge at a later time or whatever. I hate it mostly because those bullies aren’t the only ones who hear that whine of a self esteem extinguished. The little voice in my head hears it too. And the voice figures to itself: well hell, I can treat you like that too. Then the little voice isn’t about the necessary self criticism, the kind that keeps your ego from ballooning out of proportion, but taking you down just like how you let everybody else do. It’s critical you only let, keyword: LET, people treat you the way you want to treat yourself.
That being said, what if you do stick up for yourself and nothing changes? Well, now every time that asshole parent, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, sister, brother, dog, hobo on the street, boss…they now know that you know they are toxic. No one is letting it politely go anymore. It isn’t the elephant in the dark room anymore. The lights are on in your brain. And eventually, only if you keep fighting every second, every minute, and every hour, everyone else has to respect that.
Suddenly the situation is out of your hands. And you have to be okay with that because, as much as you could, you didn’t let whatever happens just happen to you. You’re a fighter. Even if it means all you want to hear is please & thank you.
I guess on this blog I want to show you a lot of people not taking crap or working hard, fighting hard, so they never have to again. Everyone is fighting someone. That’s what life is about: war and strife for every bit of joy you can get for yourself or someone else or for everyone. People out there are (what is it our society calls it again? Oh yeah, selfishly.) trying to make a little happiness in the world.
Another thing I have been finding myself thinking is the world- the environment, the animals, the people, the governments- none of it can be saved if we don’t change our mentality before the physical elements of our lives. And if everyone (a crazy indulgence!) starting doing something that creatively let go of some our anger we could start really fixing some problems around here. Because we are angry. Its those bullies who piss us off so much we bully someone else ( Recognizing a pattern?) just to get the steam off our chest. I know I do it and you’ve probably noticed yourself doing it too if you even care. But if you were happy, doing something you love for even an hour everyday, would you really need to bully others? Probably not. I know I suddenly don’t give a damn about assholes when I’m fulfilling my needs. Suddenly, I’m more understanding. Suddenly, I’m stopping the cycle. Hell, I’m fighting back against the cycle of destruction. These are the things I have been thinking about lately. Well I guess that’s what I’m trying to say out loud.
Listened to [all for the first time! Very good!]: Band of Horses (Everything All the Time); Regina Specktor (Begin to Hope)
I hate when I find myself giving out that message because I’m too afraid to stick up to them or it isn’t the polite time or I find myself fantasizing about revenge at a later time or whatever. I hate it mostly because those bullies aren’t the only ones who hear that whine of a self esteem extinguished. The little voice in my head hears it too. And the voice figures to itself: well hell, I can treat you like that too. Then the little voice isn’t about the necessary self criticism, the kind that keeps your ego from ballooning out of proportion, but taking you down just like how you let everybody else do. It’s critical you only let, keyword: LET, people treat you the way you want to treat yourself.
That being said, what if you do stick up for yourself and nothing changes? Well, now every time that asshole parent, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, sister, brother, dog, hobo on the street, boss…they now know that you know they are toxic. No one is letting it politely go anymore. It isn’t the elephant in the dark room anymore. The lights are on in your brain. And eventually, only if you keep fighting every second, every minute, and every hour, everyone else has to respect that.
Suddenly the situation is out of your hands. And you have to be okay with that because, as much as you could, you didn’t let whatever happens just happen to you. You’re a fighter. Even if it means all you want to hear is please & thank you.
I guess on this blog I want to show you a lot of people not taking crap or working hard, fighting hard, so they never have to again. Everyone is fighting someone. That’s what life is about: war and strife for every bit of joy you can get for yourself or someone else or for everyone. People out there are (what is it our society calls it again? Oh yeah, selfishly.) trying to make a little happiness in the world.
Another thing I have been finding myself thinking is the world- the environment, the animals, the people, the governments- none of it can be saved if we don’t change our mentality before the physical elements of our lives. And if everyone (a crazy indulgence!) starting doing something that creatively let go of some our anger we could start really fixing some problems around here. Because we are angry. Its those bullies who piss us off so much we bully someone else ( Recognizing a pattern?) just to get the steam off our chest. I know I do it and you’ve probably noticed yourself doing it too if you even care. But if you were happy, doing something you love for even an hour everyday, would you really need to bully others? Probably not. I know I suddenly don’t give a damn about assholes when I’m fulfilling my needs. Suddenly, I’m more understanding. Suddenly, I’m stopping the cycle. Hell, I’m fighting back against the cycle of destruction. These are the things I have been thinking about lately. Well I guess that’s what I’m trying to say out loud.
Listened to [all for the first time! Very good!]: Band of Horses (Everything All the Time); Regina Specktor (Begin to Hope)