When you come across crossroads, take the middle path. Or take the extreme path. Or take the pass well worn. Sometimes this isn't the right time to make your move so patiently wait.
Huh, you might say, what does this mean, what are you telling me?
Well may I remind you I'm not Zarathustra so how the fuck should I know whats going on in your life?
Only you can make that choice. What I do advise is to look deeply into the two abysses of void on either side, the possibilities so numerous there is nothing to discern, and judge for yourself how you can live with the choices you're about to make.
So of course when I start to think about this topic I head to my favourite place in the internet: Wikipedia.
Some professors refer to the crossroads as a turning point with an unpredictable outcome. In ancient literature some scripts have references to other dimensional worlds with their own crossroads. In these texts the crossroads seem to have four different endings, a golden age, nothing changed, apocalypse, and a bad event that varies with every different world.[citation needed]
That REALLY got me thinking. I felt like there was only two choices, maybe three results but four? Didn't see that coming. But its right if you think of the crossroads as more than a physical place but a sort of Limbo in which you come shooting out of like a star...then its all so obvious, like YES of course!
1~Can you always orchestrate a golden age? That's something that's more luck than anything, after all you can be working hard to move forward and everyone else is apathetic or working just as hardily to be your negative. So from your viewpoint the world is being torn down and others may see it as being revolutionized. You'll be lucky if everyone agrees with your decisions and hard work/preparation.
2~Nothing changes; sometimes the profound change is within. I think those are the best. You look and its like someone transferred your eyes to someone else and you got theirs like a viewpoint exchange system. Be grateful the world isn't as over as you'd been scared of in the first place. That's another reason people fear crossroads: the loneliness, you being left alone with your self. You're afraid of what you'll find there, whether the reality will demolish all your hopes and dreams.
3~An apocalypse. I'm pretty there's no nice way of looking at this. Then again for an apocalypse: what is this 'nice'? For me, this sort of total implosion of time and space will always be embodied in the Marvel character of the same name. There is no right or wrong, there is only the destiny of place (including class, race, and economy) thus a tower of of power and control.
4~The bad event sentence is badly framed. There is only one reality: the one you're present in. That's why I can understand those otaku's who believe, deeply believe/live/think they are in what others decide are 'fantasy' worlds. For them, they live in those places of reality at all times, that's who they are. after all who tells us what's real? This taste, these lips that have lied before; these eyes that squint and blur; these hands that strike and take up gleeful violence without a thought; and these ears that need voices to repeat lies they choose to believe? Ha I think not. This is the same body that told me I was in love, in pain, that hurt when all its trying to do is save itself. I can respect those who embody their reality with their minds more than their bodies. 'A bad event' (whatever that may be) is the inhuman foil for the golden age. Now its you disagreeing with the masses instead of agreeing.
All of these however are a result of the choices you make. These are the terrible and sublime results of your descisions that you strive to make. That's why crossroads confuse us so much, its a crapshoot. You literally have no way of knowing what's going to happen. Just step off the cliff and die already or live.
On the other hand there's an option we haven't discussed. you can stop time itself, staring at the sunset forever, as you stand unwilling to make a choice. This could never be something I'd willingly advise to anyone although this is how so many of us try to live our lives. By doing this we do what those you scorn the visual arts hate the most, we try to live in a moment, a snapshot of a second, and refuse to realise that as soon as that second ended so did that perfection. Its hard to explain but that is my attempt. Imagine yourself somewhere safe with a photograph of the color black in your hand. You stare into that photograph deeply trying to see more details that you might have missed at first glance, constantly searching in that photograph for something to envelope your being and take you in. I'm sorry if this is too hyperbolic for you to stand but that's what I'm trying to explain for the others who don't get that taking a stand is the only way to live. I apologize to those who understand, you probably could have done with skipping this paragraph.
Playlist from Youtube with searchable title and user who uploaded (not in any type of order, just things off my favourited list, which is very long, btw I'm vonton22 on there so that is that) :
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